Planets in Vedic Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide into Their Roles and Influence

Planets in Vedic Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide into Their Roles and Influence


In Vedic astrology, each planet governs specific aspects of life, representing unique energies that shape your destiny, relationships, career, and spirituality. Planets are classified as benefic or malefic based on their inherent nature, and they have friendship or enmity with other planets, affecting their performance. Additionally, each planet has aspects (drishti) that influence other houses in the birth chart.

Here’s an in-depth look at each planet, including its governing day, element, friendly and adverse planets, and aspects.

The Nine Major Planets in Vedic Astrology

1. Sun (Surya): The Planet of Vitality and Authority

  • Nature: Natural malefic
  • Ruling Sign: Leo
  • Ruling House: 5th House
  • Exaltation: Aries
  • Debilitation: Libra
  • Element: Fire
  • Day: Sunday
  • Governs: Father, authority, government, leadership, and health
  • Friendly Planets: Moon, Mars, Jupiter
  • Adverse Planets: Saturn, Venus, Rahu
  • Drishti (Aspects): 7th aspect (directly opposite)

The Sun represents the core self, vitality, and authority. It governs your ego, leadership abilities, and self-expression. A strong Sun provides confidence, power, and recognition, while a weak Sun can cause health issues and ego struggles.

SunRuling SignExalted inDebilitated inFriendly PlanetsAdverse PlanetsElementDayDrishti
SunLeoAriesLibraMoon, Mars, JupiterSaturn, Venus, RahuFireSunday7th aspect

2. Moon (Chandra): The Planet of Emotions and Mind

  • Nature: Benefic (waxing), malefic (waning)
  • Ruling Sign: Cancer
  • Ruling House: 4th House
  • Exaltation: Taurus
  • Debilitation: Scorpio
  • Element: Water
  • Day: Monday
  • Governs: Mind, emotions, mother, nurturing, intuition
  • Friendly Planets: Sun, Mercury
  • Adverse Planets: Rahu, Ketu, Saturn
  • Drishti (Aspects): 7th aspect (directly opposite)

The Moon symbolizes emotions, mental peace, and intuition. It governs your mother, nurturing abilities, and your subconscious mind. A strong Moon provides emotional stability, while a weak Moon can cause mental instability and emotional insecurity.

MoonRuling SignExalted inDebilitated inFriendly PlanetsAdverse PlanetsElementDayDrishti
MoonCancerTaurusScorpioSun, MercuryRahu, Ketu, SaturnWaterMonday7th aspect

3. Mars (Mangal): The Planet of Action and Energy

  • Nature: Natural malefic
  • Ruling Signs: Aries, Scorpio
  • Ruling Houses: 1st, 8th Houses
  • Exaltation: Capricorn
  • Debilitation: Cancer
  • Element: Fire
  • Day: Tuesday
  • Governs: Courage, physical strength, action, aggression, competition
  • Friendly Planets: Sun, Moon, Jupiter
  • Adverse Planets: Mercury, Saturn, Rahu
  • Drishti (Aspects): 4th, 7th, and 8th aspects

Mars governs energy, courage, and the ability to take action. It represents your aggression, competitiveness, and drive. A strong Mars bestows physical strength and determination, while a weak Mars can lead to impulsiveness, anger, and conflicts.

MarsRuling SignsExalted inDebilitated inFriendly PlanetsAdverse PlanetsElementDayDrishti
MarsAries, ScorpioCapricornCancerSun, Moon, JupiterMercury, Saturn, RahuFireTuesday4th, 7th, and 8th aspects

4. Mercury (Budh): The Planet of Intellect and Communication

  • Nature: Benefic (neutral)
  • Ruling Signs: Gemini, Virgo
  • Ruling Houses: 3rd, 6th Houses
  • Exaltation: Virgo
  • Debilitation: Pisces
  • Element: Earth
  • Day: Wednesday
  • Governs: Intellect, communication, logic, trade, business
  • Friendly Planets: Sun, Venus
  • Adverse Planets: Moon, Mars
  • Drishti (Aspects): 7th aspect (directly opposite)

Mercury governs intellect, communication, and business acumen. It influences how we think, communicate, and solve problems. A strong Mercury results in sharp intellect and effective communication, while a weak Mercury can cause nervousness, miscommunication, and indecision.

MercuryRuling SignsExalted inDebilitated inFriendly PlanetsAdverse PlanetsElementDayDrishti
MercuryGemini, VirgoVirgoPiscesSun, VenusMoon, MarsEarthWednesday7th aspect

5. Jupiter (Guru): The Planet of Wisdom and Expansion

  • Nature: Natural benefic
  • Ruling Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Ruling Houses: 9th, 12th Houses
  • Exaltation: Cancer
  • Debilitation: Capricorn
  • Element: Ether (Akash)
  • Day: Thursday
  • Governs: Wisdom, spirituality, prosperity, education, law
  • Friendly Planets: Sun, Moon, Mars
  • Adverse Planets: Mercury, Venus
  • Drishti (Aspects): 5th, 7th, and 9th aspects

Jupiter governs expansion, wisdom, spiritual growth, and prosperity. It represents the higher mind, ethics, and abundance. A strong Jupiter brings good fortune, optimism, and spiritual wisdom, while a weak Jupiter can lead to lack of direction, excessive indulgence, or moral confusion.

JupiterRuling SignsExalted inDebilitated inFriendly PlanetsAdverse PlanetsElementDayDrishti
JupiterSagittarius, PiscesCancerCapricornSun, Moon, MarsMercury, VenusEtherThursday5th, 7th, and 9th aspects

6. Venus (Shukra): The Planet of Love and Luxury

  • Nature: Natural benefic
  • Ruling Signs: Taurus, Libra
  • Ruling Houses: 2nd, 7th Houses
  • Exaltation: Pisces
  • Debilitation: Virgo
  • Element: Water
  • Day: Friday
  • Governs: Love, beauty, luxury, material wealth, relationships
  • Friendly Planets: Mercury, Saturn
  • Adverse Planets: Sun, Moon
  • Drishti (Aspects): 7th aspect (directly opposite)

Venus governs love, beauty, luxury, and pleasure. It influences relationships, artistic talents, and one’s sense of material enjoyment. A strong Venus enhances romantic relationships, creativity, and wealth, while a weak Venus can lead to relationship issues, overindulgence, and materialism.

VenusRuling SignsExalted inDebilitated inFriendly PlanetsAdverse PlanetsElementDayDrishti
VenusTaurus, LibraPiscesVirgoMercury, SaturnSun, MoonWaterFriday7th aspect

7. Saturn (Shani): The Planet of Karma and Discipline

  • Nature: Natural malefic
  • Ruling Signs: Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Ruling Houses: 10th, 11th Houses
  • Exaltation: Libra
  • Debilitation: Aries
  • Element: Air
  • Day: Saturday
  • Governs: Karma, discipline, delays, responsibilities, hardships
  • Friendly Planets: Mercury, Venus
  • Adverse Planets: Sun, Moon, Mars
  • Drishti (Aspects): 3rd, 7th, and 10th aspects

Saturn represents karma, discipline, and responsibilities. It brings delays, challenges, and hardships but rewards perseverance. A strong Saturn gives patience, endurance, and maturity, while a weak Saturn can lead to fears, limitations, and obstacles.

SaturnRuling SignsExalted inDebilitated inFriendly PlanetsAdverse PlanetsElementDayDrishti
SaturnCapricorn, AquariusLibraAriesMercury, VenusSun, Moon, MarsAirSaturday3rd, 7th, and 10th aspects

8. Rahu: The North Node of the Moon

  • Nature: Natural malefic
  • Ruling Signs: None
  • Element: Air
  • Day: None (influential during eclipses)
  • Governs: Materialism, ambition, illusions, unconventional desires
  • Friendly Planets: Saturn, Mercury, Venus
  • Adverse Planets: Sun, Moon, Mars
  • Drishti (Aspects): 5th, 7th, 9th aspects

Rahu represents material desires, illusion, and ambition. It brings worldly success but also confusion and unfulfilled desires. A strong Rahu can lead to unconventional success, while an afflicted Rahu causes chaos, scandals, and obsessions.

RahuFriendly PlanetsAdverse PlanetsElementDrishti
RahuSaturn, Mercury, VenusSun, Moon, MarsAir5th, 7th, and 9th aspects

9. Ketu: The South Node of the Moon

  • Nature: Natural malefic
  • Ruling Signs: None
  • Element: Fire
  • Day: None (influential during eclipses)
  • Governs: Spirituality, detachment, loss, past-life karma
  • Friendly Planets: Mars, Jupiter
  • Adverse Planets: Sun, Moon, Venus
  • Drishti (Aspects): 5th, 7th, 9th aspects

Ketu represents spirituality, detachment, and enlightenment. It pushes one away from material desires and towards spiritual growth. A strong Ketu leads to mysticism and spiritual insight, while an afflicted Ketu can cause confusion, loss, and detachment from reality.

KetuFriendly PlanetsAdverse PlanetsElementDrishti
KetuMars, JupiterSun, Moon, VenusFire5th, 7th, and 9th aspects

Outer Planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in Vedic Astrology

Though outer planets aren’t traditionally considered in Vedic astrology, they are sometimes used in modern interpretations:

  • Uranus: Governs innovation, sudden changes, and rebellion.
  • Neptune: Represents intuition, dreams, and spirituality.
  • Pluto: Governs transformation, death, and rebirth.

Planetary Roles and Key Attributes

PlanetRuling SignExaltationDebilitationElementDayGoverns
SunLeoAriesLibraFireSundayFather, authority, leadership, health
MoonCancerTaurusScorpioWaterMondayEmotions, mind, mother, nurturing, intuition
MarsAries, ScorpioCapricornCancerFireTuesdayAction, courage, physical strength, aggression
MercuryGemini, VirgoVirgoPiscesEarthWednesdayIntellect, communication, logic, trade
JupiterSagittarius, PiscesCancerCapricornEther (Akash)ThursdayWisdom, spirituality, prosperity, education
VenusTaurus, LibraPiscesVirgoWaterFridayLove, beauty, luxury, material wealth, relationships
SaturnCapricorn, AquariusLibraAriesAirSaturdayKarma, discipline, delays, responsibilities
RahuNoneTaurusScorpioAirNo specific dayMaterialism, ambition, unconventional desires
KetuNoneScorpioTaurusFireNo specific daySpirituality, detachment, past-life karma

Planetary Friendships and Enmities

PlanetFriendly PlanetsAdverse Planets
SunMoon, Mars, JupiterSaturn, Venus, Rahu
MoonSun, MercuryRahu, Ketu, Saturn
MarsSun, Moon, JupiterMercury, Saturn, Rahu
MercurySun, VenusMoon, Mars
JupiterSun, Moon, MarsMercury, Venus
VenusMercury, SaturnSun, Moon
SaturnMercury, VenusSun, Moon, Mars
RahuSaturn, Mercury, VenusSun, Moon, Mars
KetuMars, JupiterSun, Moon, Venus

Planetary Aspects (Drishti)

PlanetDrishti (Aspects)
Sun7th aspect
Moon7th aspect
Mars4th, 7th, 8th aspects
Mercury7th aspect
Jupiter5th, 7th, 9th aspects
Venus7th aspect
Saturn3rd, 7th, 10th aspects
Rahu5th, 7th, 9th aspects
Ketu5th, 7th, 9th aspects

Planetary Influences by House Placement (All 12 Houses)

1st HouseLeadership, strong ego, vitalityEmotional, sensitive, nurturingEnergetic, aggressive, drivenIntelligent, communicative, quick-wittedWise, spiritual growth, optimisticCharismatic, loving, beauty-consciousDisciplined, patient, serious
2nd HouseWealth through authority, strong family valuesEmotional attachment to wealth and familySharp speech, impulsive about moneyIntellectual with finances, good communicationWealth through wisdom, good family supportMaterial wealth, love of luxury, artistic talentsDelays in wealth, cautious with money, hardships
3rd HouseBold communication, strong willEmotionally connected to siblings, nurturingCourageous, adventurous, competitive with siblingsIntelligent, good at communication, writing skillsWise communicator, good with siblingsHarmonious communication, creativityDelayed progress, hard work in communication
4th HouseStrong connection to roots, authority in home lifeEmotional security, attachment to mother and homeChallenges in home life, aggressive relationshipsMental clarity at home, focus on studiesFamily blessings, spiritual home life, wisdomLuxurious home, comfort in family life, harmonyDelayed success in home life, difficult family matters
5th HouseCreative, strong willpower, intelligenceEmotional attachment to children, nurturing creativityCompetitive, energetic with children and creativityIntellectual creativity, quick thinking, writingSpiritual creativity, wisdom, love for childrenRomantic, creative, strong connection to childrenChallenges in creative expression, delayed children
6th HouseHealth challenges, struggles with enemiesEmotional health, stress, attachment to routineCompetitive in work, good at overcoming challengesAnalytical skills, ability to solve conflictsGood service to others, love for helping, wiseHarmonious in workplace, skilled in service, diplomaticDelayed health, chronic issues, disciplined routine
7th HousePowerful relationships, strong partnershipsEmotional relationships, attachment to spouseConflict in partnerships, impulsive in marriageSkilled negotiator, good at partnerships, diplomacyHarmonious relationships, balanced in partnershipsRomantic partnerships, harmonious marriage, loveDelayed marriage, challenges in relationships
8th HouseChallenges, sudden transformations, issues with healthEmotional instability, secrets, attachments to hidden thingsSudden changes, conflict with transformations, accidentsAnalytical, good at solving mysteries, sharp-mindedSpiritual transformations, deep wisdom, occult interestsSecretive relationships, indulgence in hidden pleasuresDelays in transformation, challenges with death and rebirth
9th HouseStrong beliefs, leadership in spiritualityEmotional connection to spirituality and higher learningCourageous in spiritual matters, risk-takerIntellectual in higher learning, loves to travelSpiritual growth, good fortune, love for learningHarmonious in spiritual matters, artistic in higher educationDelayed success in higher education, slow spiritual growth
10th HouseCareer success, authority in profession, leadershipEmotional connection to career, nurturing professionStrong career drive, competitive in workSuccess in business, skilled communicator in professionHigh status, good fortune in career, leadershipLuxurious career, success in beauty-related professionsDelayed career growth, hard-earned success
11th HouseGains through authority, influential in social circlesEmotional attachment to friends and gainsStrong social connections, competitive with friendsIntellectual social networks, clever with gainsAbundant gains, spiritual connections with social groupsWealth through friends, harmonious social lifeDelayed gains, challenges in achieving goals
12th HouseIsolation, loss of ego, spiritual detachmentEmotional isolation, connection to spiritualitySudden losses, challenges in detachmentAnalytical in spirituality, good at handling lossesSpiritual liberation, detachment from material worldPleasure in isolation, love of luxury in foreign landsChallenges in detachment, delayed spiritual growth

Planetary Influences by House Placement (Rahu, Ketu, Outer Planets)

1st HouseCharismatic, unconventional personality, ambitiousSpiritual detachment, introspective, mysticalIntuitive, spiritual awakening, dreamyRebel, revolutionary mindset, breaks traditionsIntense transformation, seeks power
2nd HouseUnconventional wealth, material obsessionDetached from wealth, minimalist lifestyleConfusion in financial matters, dreams of luxuryUnpredictable financial gains, sudden changes in familyMajor transformation in wealth, deep family issues
3rd HouseBold and manipulative in communicationDetached communication, prefers isolationCreative writing, artistic communication, dreamy natureSudden breakthroughs in communication, tech-savvyIntense communication style, power struggles with siblings
4th HouseUnconventional home life, desire for luxuryDetached from family and home, spiritual focusDreamy home life, connected to water or mystical themesSudden changes in home environment, innovative family settingDeep transformations in family life, hidden family secrets
5th HouseUnconventional creativity, speculative gainsDetached from romance and children, spiritual creativitySpiritual creativity, artistic talents, imaginative with childrenSudden breakthroughs in creative projects, unconventional childrenDeep transformation in creativity, obsessive with children
6th HouseConflict with enemies, unconventional health issuesStrong ability to overcome obstacles, service-orientedConfusion in health matters, spiritual healingSudden health issues, innovative approaches to workDeep transformation through service, hidden health challenges
7th HouseUnconventional partnerships, obsessive relationshipsDetachment from relationships, spiritual partnershipsDreamy, romantic relationships, confusion in partnershipsSudden changes in marriage or business partnerships, rebellionPower struggles in marriage, intense transformative relationships
8th HouseSudden transformations, occult interestsDeep spiritual insight, detachment from material lifeSpiritual transformations, mystical experiences with deathSudden changes in joint resources, breakthroughs in occultMajor life transformations, intense power dynamics
9th HouseUnconventional beliefs, ambitious travelerDetached from traditional beliefs, mystical journeySpiritual insights, dreams of higher learningBreaks away from traditional religious beliefs, unconventional learningMajor transformation in beliefs, power through knowledge
10th HouseObsession with career, unconventional leadershipDetached from public life, spiritually driven careerDreamy career path, spiritual or artistic professionSudden changes in career, innovative leader, tech-related careerPower through career, intense control over public image
11th HouseUnconventional social circles, ambitious for gainsDetached from social circles, spiritual aspirationsDreams of humanitarian work, confusion with social gainsSudden gains through unconventional means, rebellious friendsIntense social dynamics, power struggles with friends
12th HouseUnconventional spirituality, detachment from material worldDeep spiritual growth, past-life karmaDreams of liberation, confusion in spiritual mattersSudden detachment, innovative spiritual practicesDeep spiritual transformation, intense subconscious exploration


Understanding the planets in Vedic astrology helps to navigate the karmic influences and life lessons they bring. Each planet governs specific areas of life, such as love, career, spirituality, and health, and interacts with other planets through its friendships, enmities, and aspects (drishti). By analyzing planetary positions in a birth chart, one can gain insights into their personality, challenges, and potential for growth.


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